Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Waiting Room: NYCMidnight Flash Fiction Challenge

I recently took a break from chewing through the plot of my novel to enter my first writing contest--and I'm so glad I did. It's been incredibly enriching to read other authors and their stories, and it's been nice to get away from my turning and turning and scratching at a plot like a dog trying to make its bed.

Here are all of the entries if you'd like to read them. They are located in the following forum:

You have to register/sign in to read them.

The premise for the contest is that contestants are broken up into 20 groups, and then given the following:
A genre/A setting that must be included/An object to be included.

The story must be under 1000 words, and you have 48 hours to complete it--in this case midnight Friday to 11:59pm Sunday night.

My group was given:
Open genre/The 13th floor of an office building/A toy soldier

Here's my entry:

The Waiting Room


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